Posts in Mary Rose
Tending Your Friendship Garden

Our female friendships are the cornerstones of our lives. We need our girlfriends to love us when we can’t love ourselves, to prop us up when we can’t stand completely on our own, to cheer us on, and to support us in the way only a good friend can. But our garden of friends requires careful tending.

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Mary Rose, HeartGirl Talk
Begin Again

Never be afraid to Begin Again. Sometimes we have to start from where we are not from where we want to be. When we are afraid someone else won’t come along, we are willing to accept any behavior from the person we are with. Never be afraid of standards! Remember, the past doesn’t define you. You define you. Restart your story. Begin again.

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Heart, Mary RoseGirl TalkComment
Lily and Rose

You will have many friendships in your life and you will love your friends in different ways at different times. A great and enduring friendship is an endless gift and a joyful responsibility. There is risk in sharing our deepest selves; it calls for us to be vulnerable, honest, and real. But true friendships do not survive without these qualities.

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Enough to Eat

Have you ever struggled with your body image? Or simply hated the way you looked? You look in the mirror and see curves that seem to have gotten bigger overnight? Your favorite shirt doesn’t fit the way you want it to? You just feel fat or inadequate. Mary Rose, did too. “I would look in the mirror and say, over and over, “I hate you.” I lost about 30 lbs. My periods stopped. My hair fell out. My skin actually looked gray and I thought I could work even harder and lose a little more.”

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You Are Enough

I have been there. I’ve travelled the same road, gone through the same struggle, shed the same tears. Mary Rose shows us how it may take a while to stop blaming ourselves for these feelings. Sometimes it could come from an issue you feel in yourself or sometimes, like in her case, it could stem from a broken relationship from your mother. But in the end, you will find that you are enough.

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